Mednarodni Center Lutkovne umetnosti Koper
International Center for Puppetry Arts, Koper - Slovenia
Matija Solce: Attention, Moose!
Welcome to the wild world! In this play, you will witness the story of a hunter and a poor Moose trying to escape from the hunter’s hound. This simple story about the relation of men and animals and cruelty of life will stimulate your imagination with the mastery of its interpretation. The rhythm, humor, music and spontaneity of the play will not only magnetise the kids but also will attract the attention and admiration of the grown ups. You will have lots of fun in this spectacle, performed accompanied with songs sang with acaordeon and drums.
Bunch of bones, all collected from different parts of the world, small coffin and a stuffed panda. Like a cheerful alchemist the puppeteer makes characters, emotions and entanglements pop out of inanimate matter. Simple bones, without using a single word, tell their stories about solitude. Who is the puppet and who is the animator? Who is dead and who alive? Object theatre in its most raw form, shows its endless possibilities. Dadaistic partiture, ironic black comedy, that every second changes perspective of the viewer, surprises and makes you laugh. Until you realise, that you are just a part of bigger game. Game of death.
GOGOLJ - Matija Solce and Collective DAMU:
MRTVE DUŠE (The dead souls)
Cooperation Teatro Matita (Matija Solce) &
Academy for fine arts, DAMU Prague (CZ)
Režiser: Matija Solce
Avtorji Matija Solce in absolventi DAMU
Mentor, režiser in avtor glasbe Matija Solce
Igralci Anne-Françoise Josephová, Eliška Křenková, Soňa Páleníková, Hedvika Řezáčová, Johana Schmidtmajerová, Pavel Blažek, Jan Cina, Tilen Kožamelj, Šimon Krupa, Filip Šebšajevič in Antonín Týmal
Scenografi Brane Solce, Kateřina Hadravová in Matija Solce
Kostumografka Kateřina Hadravová
Drage dame, cenjeni gospodje!
Pravičnost, resnica in ljubezen so stvar preteklosti! Nastopil je čas laži, zavisti in sebičnosti, nastopil je čas za Vašo igro! Še sama Smrt je postala igrača Gogoljevega romana, ki postavlja situacijo z začetka 19. stoletja ob bok peklu. Čas, ko se je rodil naš pre-dragi kapitalizem. Kdo ne bi prodal duše svojega preminulega soseda? Ne razmišljajte, igrajte! Danes zmagujejo le najbolj iznajdljivi! Smrt Človeku. Naj živi Papir! Groteska mask, lutk, teles, rustikalnih ljudskih ruskih pesmi uporablja material, ki je danes najbolj cenjen – papir. Iz nič nastane glasba, ritem, nastaja kompozicija, ki sledi dramaturgiji, dinamiki in logiki glasbe. Motivi so iztrgani iz preteklosti in postavljeni v današnji kontekst. Kratko in udarno grotesko, polno humorja, ironije in ruskega patosa, zaigra deset igralcev, lutkarjev in hkrati glasbenikov, absolventov praške gledališke akademije DAMU.